Thursday, August 7, 2008

computer perspective

Advantages of using computers is helps to shorten time-consuming and monotonous tasks of cutting, pasting and retrieval of field notes or interview transcripts.Computers are a useful aid for who have to work to tight deadlines.Programs can cope with both multiple codes and over-lapping codes which would be very difficult for the researcher to cope with without the aid of a computer.Some software can conduct multiple searches in which more than one code is searched much more quickly and efficiently than by the researcher.Programs can combine codes in complex searches.Programs can pick out instances of pre-defined categories which have been missed by the researcher during the initial analysis.Computers can be used to help the researcher overcome `analysis block'.The disadvantage of computer is In focus groups the group moves through a different sequence of events which is important in the analysis but cannot be recognised by a computer.Programs cannot understand the meaning of text.Software can only support the intellectual processes of the researcher. However they cannot be a substitute for these processes.Participants can change their opinions during an interview.A computer will not recognise this.The software might be beyond an individual's budget.User-error can lead to undetected mistakes or misleading results.Using computers can lead to an over-emphasis on mechanical procedures.